Wednesday, January 28, 2009

"God's Mirror"

This is part of an excerpt from the book I'm Not Good Enough by Sharon Jaynes. You can read the rest of the excerpt by clicking on the title of the this post. Wow!!! I'm hooked!

When we look into God’s mirror, His incredible love letter to us we
call the Bible, we discover the truth. God does love you (Colossians
3:12). You have an entire cloud of witnesses cheering for you (Hebrews
12:1). You are God’s masterpiece…a work of beautiful art (Ephesians
2:10). You are good enough because Christ lives in you (John 14:20).
You are a chosen, holy, dearly loved child of God. Th at’s the truth.
Let’s get out of the house of mirrors and start seeing ourselves as God
sees us.
In one of John’s letters, he wrote, “I have no greater joy than to hear
that my children are walking in the truth” (3 John 4). I believe that
God has no greater joy than to know that His children are walking
in the truth. When we are walking in the truth, the lies are exposed.
We can recognize the lie, reject the lie, and replace the lie with truth.
Th en, and only then, can we be all that God has created us to be and
do all that God has created us to do. We can experience the abundant
life He planned all along.

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